86% of professional placements

A lot of students at work in the biggest fashion houses

73 Years
of Experience

Koefia has been teaching Haute Couture since 1951 the Secrets of Italian Haute Couture

International reputation

Koefia among the 26 Best Fashion Schools in the World. Accredited by E.A.B.H.E.S.


The Three-Year Undergraduate post-diploma Courses provide comprehensive training in (a) fashion design, (b) pattern making, and (c) tailoring production for Haute Couture Projects and Collections.


The Biennial Courses prepare you for careers in Fashion Design, Pattern Making, and Haute Couture tailoring, specializing as an Expert in Haute Couture Projects & Collections.


The Annual Courses are designed for those who wish to learn about the design of garments and collections, high fashion modeling, tailoring, and couture fabric techniques, such as: Printing, Macramé, Italian Frame Embroidery, Knitwear, and other artful atelier crafts.

Do you want to start your journey in the world of fashion?

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You can also book an Online Appointment with a Consultant, for clarifications and insights:

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